Vitamin D is needed for the uptake of the minerals calcium and phosphorus from food into the body. Therefore, it is important for growth and maintenance of strong bones and teeth. Vitamin D also plays a role in maintaining the immune system, proper functioning of muscles and growth and development of cells.



Vitamin D is one of the few vitamins that the body can make by itself. Under the influence of UV radiation from sunlight, vitamin D is created in the skin.
The remaining vitamin D should be taken from food. Vitamin D is only found in foods of animal origin, especially in oily fish like eel, salmon and mackerel. Meat and eggs also provide vitamin D, but a lot less.





A shortage of vitamin D can cause rickets in children. This disease causes malformations of the skeleton. In adults and the elderly, a vitamin D shortage can eventually lead to osteoporosis and/or muscle weakness.



An excessive intake of vitamin D can only occur as a result of prolonged using too many supplements. Calcium deposits in the body can arise during long-term use of high doses. With a normal diet and following the advice for intake, this doesn’t occur. Prolonged exposure to sunlight doesn’t put a risk of having too much vitamin D, because the skin regulates the creation then. In practice, an overdose in healthy people rarely occurs.



