Burnout is a psychological disorder, in which a person is emotionally exhausted and can achieve little. The person can find no more energy to perform work. Burnout is often considered a work-related problem. Working women and managers suffer more often from this condition than other people.



Burnout occurs as a result of prolonged emotional overload and stress. The risk factors are:

When a person is a very perfectionist and always aims high, there is additional risk. There is also a link between education and workload. The higher one’s education, the higher the risk of work-related stress. Burnout occurs mainly in people in social or interpersonal professions, such as social work, healthcare and education.



In case of burnout, three responses are distinguished. Emotional exhaustion, depersonalization (feel like standing outside one’s own body or mind), and reduced personal skills. These responses don’t have to occur simultaneously.
Specific signs and symptoms of burnout are:

Neurotic symptoms, such as guilt, anxiety, depression or obsession, usually manifest at a later stage.



It is difficult to make a good clear diagnosis, because burnout is not officially recognized as disease. Whether a person is suffering from burnout can be measured by means of a questionnaire.



Burnout is often treated with short-term psychotherapy. The psychotherapist examines how the burnout occurred. In addition, risk factors are analyzed and addressed. The treatment of a burnout will depend on the phase which one is in. The patient often resumes work during the therapy as soon as possible. Staying at home doesn’t help to get rid of the problem. If stress symptoms are caused by problems at work, the company doctor must also be informed. He or she can provide guidance in building up the workload again.



It takes a long time for a burnout to develop and it usually also takes a long time to get rid of it. Most people succeed, but not without help. The prognosis therefore is closely related to the guidance offered, the personality of the patient, the nature and amount of the work-related problems and the presence of other stressors in the past and present. With adequate guidance by a psychiatrist, psychotherapist or psychologist, eighty percent of patients would be able to recover within six months.



