Acupressure is an alternative treatment, related to acupuncture. Instead of using needles, pressure is exerted to positively influence acupuncture points and stress points on the body. The goal of acupressure is to improve well-being of body and mind.



In Asia, it was assumed that a balance of body and mind could cause a person to heal. The principles of acupressure are also based on this. According to these principles, there are meridians in our body, in other words channels through which energy flows. However, it can happen that a blockage of waste occurs in the meridians. As a result, the organs or muscles that are ‘connected’ to these meridians start to function less well, which may cause illnesses and symptoms. By forcefully pressing or rubbing on specific areas of the body for some time, the meridians are stimulated, which drains the waste and the organ or muscle in question can function normally again. This often reduces the symptom.



Acupressure can help with a variety of disorders, both physical and mental. Especially symptoms related to chronic conditions can be treated with acupressure, such as pain, allergies, rheumatic diseases, migraine, tension headache and asthma.
It is not recommended to use acupressure in case of acute symptoms, such as heart attack, hyperventilation or inflammation. In such cases, it’s important to consult a doctor as soon as possible.



Where acupuncture works with needles, the skin is being touched when using acupressure. The pressure is usually exerted with the thumb, but can sometimes also be given with the palm of the hand, elbow, knee or foot. Sometimes, the therapist even uses his body weight by walking over the patient. The duration of the treatment varies greatly.



Acupressure affects the fascia. This is the connective tissue that surrounds all organs and parts of the body. The effects can be: pain relief, increased mobility, improvement of organic functions, recovery of diseases and prevention of symptoms by restoring the energy balance.



