Drugs is a generic name for pharmaceuticals and stimulants that have a numbing, stimulating and/or hallucinogenic effect and which can lead to addiction. Drugs include many illegal, forbidden agents, such as ecstasy, amphetamines, cocaine and heroin. A distinction is made between soft and hard drugs.



In order to have effect, drugs should get into the brain via the blood. If the drugs arrive there, they affect functioning of the elements that can transfer electric signals from one nerve to the other. As a result, certain parts of the brain are boosted or inhibited. This causes all kinds of effects.
Soft drugs (such as hemp products) are not or only mentally addictive. Hard drugs on the other hand (including cocaine and heroin) are much more harmful and can be both physically and mentally addictive.



Drugs can act on our mind in three ways: they can stimulate (such as speed and cocaine), they can numb (such as heroin, sedatives and tranquilizers) and they can alter consciousness (such as cannabis, LSD and other hallucinogens). Sometimes, they combine two of those three effects, for example ecstasy (psychotropic and stimulant).



Risks associated with using drugs include:



Drug addiction is treatable in many cases, but medical and professional help is required.

Treatment to deal with drug use is a difficult path. The rehab ultimately ensures that the body is no longer dependent on drugs. Then it’s important to get rid of the mental dependence as well. Therefore, discussions and therapies are an important part of the treatment. There is often worked with cognitive behavioral therapy. This is aimed at changing behavior. Of course, the problems are also addressed.
Apart from treatment for the drug user, family and loved ones should also get support and help. They can participate in self-help groups and get peer support.

