Acupuncture is an alternative therapy, which is based on the yin-yang philosophy. The treatment is done with needles, but they are so thin that they don’t or hardly hurt. The technique originates from China and is part of traditional Chinese medicine. Especially for people with pain, acupuncture can provide relief.



Acupuncture assumes that body, mind and environment cannot be seen separately in health and in sickness. And because an acupuncture treatment improves your entire energy system, you will soon feel fitter and healthier. It has a positive impact on your well-being, increases the natural immune system, raises the pain barrier and stimulates vitality. Acupuncture also has a preventive effect. A major benefit of acupuncture is that it has almost no side effects.



Acupuncture helps with many symptoms. The most common symptoms which can be treated with acupuncture are: fatigue, depression, anxiety and panic attacks, nervous exhaustion and burnout, stress, insomnia, chronic diseases, headache, hyperventilation and shortness of breath, allergies and asthma, dizziness, gastrointestinal symptoms, neck and shoulder problems and pain. Acupuncture is also used to lose weight. Additionally, there are diseases, such as cancer, chronic diseases or anatomical defects, in which acupuncture doesn’t resolve the problem but does reduce or take away pain and fatigue. After surgery or in case of (permanent) injuries after an accident, acupuncture provides relief and leads to a better recovery.



During the first consultation, a diagnosis is made by means of an extensive interview and physical examination. Followed by a treatment proposal, after which the first treatment usually starts immediately. The best known form is treatment with thin needles. The acupuncturist pricks the needles at specific acupuncture points into the body. These points are located on the meridians. Meridians are channels in the body through which the energy circulates. By the way the needle is applied, the acupuncturist affects the flow of energy of that meridian. The pricking with the needles doesn’t or hardly hurt. Depending on the symptoms, the needles remain in place for 15 to 30 minutes. Apart from needles, an acupuncturist may use other techniques, such as acupressure, guasha, cupping and moxibustion.



In general, the shorter a symptom exists, the sooner there is a good result. Factors, such as condition and lifestyle, may also play a role in healing. As a rule, it takes five to six treatments in order to achieve an effect. In consultation with the patient is then determined whether the treatment will be continued or that it’s wiser to opt for another kind of treatment.



